Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cat Burglar

There was a cat who would always ask for food every time he sees me or my husband out.  The kitty was very friendly and he let us pet him knowing he's a feral. Feral cats are known for being aloof or not not trusting, but this kitty was different.  

I named the cat BURGLAR. If I have to look for him, I would just call his name and he is there, instantly! Ahaha...

He knows what time I feed my kitties, he would show up, too.  This morning we took him to the vet to get fixed.  Veterinarians neuter or spay feral cats and stray dogs, FOR FREE!  The vets loved his name and called him Cat Burglar.

Other male feral kitties would gang up on him and they beat him really bad.  The vet put some antibiotic on his wounds and gave him a shot for pain and it is good for two weeks.  He was spayed today and I am thinking of keeping him if he would let us or build him a small shack so he can stay there where I can see him.

This might be his first time to ever sleep on a clean surface.  He was snoring.  See how comfortable this Cat Burglar could get, ahahaha...

Burglar is no longer a feral.  He found a home, a home that will take care of him forever...

I will post more updates about Burglar...